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Lens Correction Workflow? #1
Kevin Horton's picture
by Kevin Horton
June 14, 2013 - 9:09am

I've just bought a Sony NEX-6 with the kit SELP-1650 power zoom lens. I'm also a new Aperture user.

This lens has significant distortion, especially noticeable at the wide end of the zoom. I've tried the trial version of PTLens, and it does a not too bad job at correcting the distortion, but it is very frustrating to have it return a TIFF file. I really, really wish lens corrections were built into Aperture as an adjustment.

Is there a better plug-in for lens correction than PTLens?

What is the best workflow for lens correction with PTLens? My current plan is to do a rough crop, adjustments, etc first. Then, at the very end, use PTLens, then do the final crop. Is there a better approach?


Kevin Horton
Moses Lake, WA

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
June 14, 2013 - 10:22pm

To my knowledge, PTLens is the best plug-in for Aperture to perform lens correction. An alternative that is completely outside of the Aperture workflow is DxO Optics. I don’t know if you can set it up as an external application to “Edit in”. If so, it would still be a round-trip via TIFF from Aperture. If not, you would either have to do raw processing in Aperture and export a TIFF, or do your raw processing in DxO.

There is no API for plug-ins to add their own adjustment bricks to Aperture for a native workflow implementation. If a major update to Aperture provides that, we will be in a much better situation.

David Edge's picture
by David Edge
June 16, 2013 - 6:20am

PTLens is good, but will regard the file you send it as a full frame. So if you crop it then PTLens it you’ll introduce distortion. So use PTLens before any cropping.



Kevin Horton's picture
by Kevin Horton
June 23, 2013 - 8:40pm

Walter - Thanks for the pointer to Dx Optics. I’ll play with a trial to see how I like it.

David - Thanks for the mention about cropping. It makes perfect sense, but I wouldn’t have thought of it myself.

Kevin Horton
Moses Lake, WA

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