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Welcome! Here's a few things to know… #1
PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 5:17am

Thanks all for testing this out. Here's a few things to know (this is a repeat of the email sent out earlier)


Once you're logged in, your browser will complain about the self-signed certificate when accessing many parts of the site. This will go away after beta, once the URL changes to the real URL, so just ignore this and don't report it as a bug. This warning is subtle in Safari and Chrome and terrifying in Firefox. Ignore it.


Your account name has been transferred over, however your password has not. You'll need to reset the password. You'll figure out how.


You will be able to connect your social accounts (Facebook, twitter) to the site and ultimately use them to log in. Since the URL we're using now isn't the real URL, that won't work yet. So you can ignore that feature for the moment.


Eventually you will be able to see all your previous purchases under “My downloads”. That is not done yet, but will happen during the beta process, hopefully tomorrow.

== STORE ==

Please buy things in the store using PayPal, and anything you buy (from ApertureExpert) I'll be happy cancel the transaction and refund your money if you ask (just forward me your purchase email and ask). This will also mean that items from cancelled sales will disappear from your download list, but if you've downloaded them already, they're yours. Consider that payment for being a beta tester. (If you buy something from any external site, I can't refund that, but those don't need testing other than to test that the links take you to the right place).

We are also testing a new credit card system, which is still in “test mode”. You'll see big ugly warning that it's in test mode, and a link to get fake credit card numbers that will work. Go ahead and make a single purchase using this system. Note that this will only show up if your cart is over $10, to avoid people using cards for 99¢ purchases.


In the forums you will find a new one called “website bugs”. That's for you to post bugs in. It's a threaded conversation now, so if you see something and want to elaborate on it, please do that instead of creating a whole new topic.

You're looking for anything that doesn't work, is spelled incorrectly, doesn't do what you thought it should or otherwise doesn't make sense, etc. If you really hate the way something looks, I'm open to hearing about it, but don't expect me to give it up without a fight :) We worked hard on this UI and think it's pretty great.


Anyone can create a tip now on the main tips page. Please make one (you'll figure out where), and don't worry about it being a real tip that's for publication. You can just type something in to play with the interface, add images, etc. In fact if you WANT me to consider a tip for release, put a note in it somewhere saying “this is a real tip!”. Otherwise I'll just delete them before we go live. If you have troubles figuring out how to format tips, upload images, etc. report that in the forum. I'm hoping it's all self explanatory but of course we're really close to it, so it's time for fresh eyes.

You can make comments on tips as before; go ahead and try it. It doesn't appear that you can edit or remove your own comments… I'll see if that can change. But even if you post a bogus comment, that's fine. I'll clear those out before we go live.

Same on the forums. Post freely and I'll delete what isn't valid before the live launch.


Please try on as many platforms and browsers as you can. We've looked at this quite a bit on iOS on iPad and iPhone, but have I believe zero looks on Android. So if you have an Android device, please have a poke around. I also don't believe we've looked at this on a PC at all.


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Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
November 14, 2013 - 5:35am

I like the new look.  So far it seems to be going OK navigating the site.  It is taking time getting used to finding where things are.  Just submitted a trial tip with screen shot so we’ll see how that goes.  Nice work, Joseph.

Florian Cortese

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 5:42am

Thanks Florian. I got your tip and sent it back to you for editing, which you should see. There are notes in there for you as well. Let me know if you got a notification (by email), and are able to re-edit the piece.


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Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
November 14, 2013 - 6:02am

Joseph, I was not sure how to display the screen shot so I thought I put it at the bottom of the text section and figured it would show up.  Not sure I did it correctly.

Florian Cortese

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 6:40am

Yeah that bottom area is the single image that shows up on the front page in the summary (and what will go out to twitter, Facebook, etc.). Clearly I need to create a tutorial for this.

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Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
November 14, 2013 - 6:05am

Joseph, OK, I just dragged the screen shot into the spot after the text section so I hope that’s what I was supposed to do.  I still have not figured out how the circle the area I want people to see in red like you and others have done.  


Florian Cortese

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 6:35am

Oh the circling is something done in other software. Personally I use Snagit, but that's not done on the AE site itself.

You can't drag in images; they have to be uploaded and placed. This is good feedback; I need to make this clear or include some instructions.

Click here to open the picture editor:

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Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
November 14, 2013 - 6:11am

Joseph, I could not find any tips on editing and just kind of intuitively dragged the photo into place.  Also, I think I found a bug.  For my signature, I had my website BELOW my name in the signature panel.  However, in my replies and comments it shows up after my name.

Florian Cortese

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 6:39am


The signature is HTML, so you need to add code, or switch it to plaintext mode but then I don't think the URL will parse. Actually that'd be a great thing for you to try out!

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TattooedMac's picture
by TattooedMac
November 14, 2013 - 7:01am

Loving the new look we have here. Taking time to get around things, but because i was only 1mth on the old site, this is easy for me to pick up.

BUG :::  

I went to the store, and purchased a few things. 1 was the Kitchen Sink, which in the explanation down the bottom, said $100 40% off and so on, but is displayed @ $9.95 and i went ahead and purchased it.

First the purchase went through via PayPal, as $9.95 but when it comes to the download, it only gives me the 15 Tips on File Management in Aperture 3 eBook and none of the other Package :(( I honestly thought you dropped it for us Beta Testers and thats why i bought it.

2nd thing, is when filling it all out, when it came to filling in my details, and it came to Country, it only gave me a choice of Canada and USA, no Australia or any other Country, so i had to dodgy a US State zip code and City… .

On the Purchase at what email, can we contact you on refund on purchases, because, honestly i have been using Aperture for a bit, and don’t need 15 tips on File Management, but the other parts of the Kitchen Sink looked pretty good.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunnelling through a mountain with your forehead.
"Can't innovate any more, my ass" Phil Schiller

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 7:36am

Oh right, I need to close that Kitchen Sink product for now. I forgot I wasn't able to finish making it (other issue). The system wasn't liking so many products in a single package so we're sorting that out still.

For the country, that's interesting. This was in the checkout form? For one, that address requirement will go away for PayPal purchases, but it definitely shouldn't be limited to US and Canada. Thanks!

Also I see that your sig is all crushed up, so I'll have that adjusted too.

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TattooedMac's picture
by TattooedMac
November 14, 2013 - 7:56am

Yea mate, this was in Checkout. I filled in details and only US and Canada came up. I had PayPal Checked as well . .  See image I just tried again to double check my Bug  …

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunnelling through a mountain with your forehead.
"Can't innovate any more, my ass" Phil Schiller

TattooedMac's picture
by TattooedMac
November 14, 2013 - 8:04am

Cant Edit Post ???

So PS : If you click on the PayPal link in the Shopping Cart then it takes you through to Paypal and no need for address, BUT if you select Checkout, it asks for your Details, then, Paypal is checked then you go onto the Review Purchase then to Paypal. Thats the long way around.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunnelling through a mountain with your forehead.
"Can't innovate any more, my ass" Phil Schiller

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 8:06am

TattooedMac, yep can’t edit post for now, that’s on the list (and was mentioned in the original email).

Looking into the PayPal and address issues. Thanks.

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 14, 2013 - 8:07am


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