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Problems editing with PSE #1
Wizbit's picture
by Wizbit
February 17, 2014 - 1:55pm

I have been using Photoshop Elements 11 for a while now as an external editor with Aperture.  This has worked very well so far, but last week I bought the Google Nik collection and hit some issues.  I soon discovered that some of the Nik plugins don’t work with files exported in PSD format.

So a quick change in Aperture preferences to export as TIFF resolved the Nik plugin issues and I thought it was happy days. However, I now have an issue when trying to use PSE as my external editor.  The pictures appear in PSE just fine, and I can edit as normal, but when i save them, the edited pictures don’t appear back in Aperture.

I’ve tried everything, but any changes I make in PSE are not reflected back in Aperture.  The weird thing is that I opened up my Aperture library and found all of the edited TIFFs in there from the Finder window, so PSE is saving them back to the Aperture library.  Its just that these files are just not picked up in Aperture and don’t get displayed.  If i change the export type back to PSD, it all works fine again and changes are reflected back in Aperture.

I’ve Googled this and found similar issues,  but nothing that helps me.  Does anybody have any suggestions?



Wizbit's picture
by Wizbit
February 20, 2014 - 6:34pm


Any ideas guys?

docham's picture
by docham
March 3, 2014 - 8:10pm

I’m having a somewhat similar problem round-tripping from Aperture to PSE11. When I try to send a photo (either psd or tiff) to PSE11, the program launches but no photo appears. There’s no problem round-tripping to NIK or MacPhun.

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