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Full screen Aperture crashes MacBook Pro w Retina #1
Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
April 3, 2014 - 2:00pm

Hi Joseph and the crew;


I have a brand new (couple months old) 15” MacBook Pro w Retina (16GB RAM, 2.3GHz) and I can actually repeatedly crash it just by running Aperture in a full screen mode and flipping through the photos. It appears as if it was running out of RAM and not releasing it back. I have all the latest updates installed (always) and I know this is not related to my machine since within the first week of having it I noticed a dent on my screen and Apple sent me a brand new machine. I could replicate this behaviour on both machines. 

To mitigate the restarts, I use FreeMemory Pro set at “freeing” RAM once it drops to 4GB but if I push the Aperture too fast (and I do not mean major editing but just simply going through many photos in full screen mode, viewing them), I still crash it. 


I was wondering if there is anyone else with something similar and if you have any tips. I will post this on Apple forums as well and report it to Apple. 

Rob Phelan's picture
by Rob Phelan
April 6, 2014 - 5:27am

I have exactly the same issue on my new Macbook Pro Retina. Go along in full screen, performance starts falling off, ram gets completely used up, and if you don’t quit aperture to get it back, the Mac will eventually have a kernel panic and reboot. 100% repeatable. It’s a bit of a disgrace that Apple has left this GLARING bug unfixed for so long. 

#nofilter before anyone knew what it meant.

Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
April 11, 2014 - 11:12pm

Good to know I am not alone. I just received email from Apple requesting more data. Will report back.

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