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The elephant in the room #1
Charles Putnam's picture
by Charles Putnam
June 19, 2014 - 8:01pm

So…whadayathink?  With Adobe’s announcement yesterday that the pricing for the Creative Cloud Photography program will remain at $9.99, how does that effect your use of Aperture?  While I love Aperture’s project based organization (it totally kick’s Lr’s Module/Folder/Collection organization), it’s editing capabilities (i.e. lack of lens correction, highlight/shadow, etc.) are essentially still in 2010 (yes, I know that the highlight/shadow was overhauled in June 2012, still…).

I know there’s a lot of hope that there will be a new version of Aperture when Yosemite is released.  My concern is that Apple continues to remain totally silent to inquiries from folks here and elsewhere.  Yes - there were several indications in the WWDC workshops that Apple was supporting lens/profile corrections in their a pi’s.  I’ve e-mailed Tim Cook several times - no response.  

Thoughts?'s picture
June 19, 2014 - 9:06pm

I just spent the morning editing some images in Aperture. For the odd extra bit, I jumped into Pixelmator (cost about $30 - once). Not really missing any functionality. Aperture 4.0 - I hope it comes, but until then, I’m good.

Bill Booth

Butch Miller's picture
by Butch Miller
June 19, 2014 - 11:06pm

It’s always possible that I may move on from Aperture … but it will not be to any solution that uses a rental model license agreement. No matter the price, performance or feature set. If I can’t find solutions with a perpetual license agreement, I’ll move on to another line of work.

Milt Anglin's picture
by Milt Anglin
June 20, 2014 - 2:48pm

I haven’t used Photoshop for anything in about 6 weeks. I start in Aperture, if needed I use Perfect Photo 8 and/or Macphun’s Snapheal Pro for touch-ups. Then a few final tweaks in Aperture and I am done. Even if they reduce the price to $1.00 a month it is a waste of money if you don’t use it, and I don’t. I still have Photoshop CS6 in case I need it, but it seems to me to be sort of a dinosaur. I would really like to see an update to Aperture just to stop the occasional crash that happens when using third party apps, but other than that I am okay. 


Henrik Lorenzen's picture
by Henrik Lorenzen
June 21, 2014 - 12:27am



I have read all over the web now that Aperture will die and we are all doomed :)

Well i haven’t seen anybody taking in consider that Apple might be working on something very big 

The reason i say this is some months ago my good old Macbook had a hard drive crash 

no big deal i have backups. BUT BUT when i downloaded Aperture from app store just after i installed Maverick. and started the program (with the all my pictures still on the backup drive)

something wired happened all my pictures with the last adjustments start downloading RAW,Tiffs and JPG  i am not a pro so i only have 200-250 GB of pictures but they all came down

it took 2 days, i contacted Apple but they told me i was joking with them !!!!!

So i few days later i moved the photos to a new spot and told Aperture to make a new Aperture Library to see if it happened again but this time i only got the last 1000 photos from photo stream 

So something tells me apple is working on something but why they don’t share it makes no sense to me 

and also if they have the Mac Pro would it not make sense to keep FCP, Aperture alive…

for me it sounds kind a funny big a mac pro and use it with lightroom and photoshop!!!!



codykuphal's picture
by codykuphal
October 18, 2024 - 10:43am

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henty1308 lee's picture
by henty1308 lee
March 7, 2025 - 8:02am

BitLife is a life simulation game that gives players the power to make decisions that shape a character’s life from birth through death. 

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