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Exporting files for high res printing #1
Andy Sillett's picture
by Andy Sillett
June 23, 2014 - 1:58pm


I’ve spent the morning looking for an answer to this question, but have not fully understood any of the responses, so I wonder if anyone can help answer this question:

How do I send a client an edited raw file from Aperture so that it can be printed at max resolution at A0 size (big)?

I shoot in raw, edit in Aperture and Photoshop Elements. The resulting jpeg file sizes are compressed (2MB from 22MB) but the pixel size is the same.

Should I have re-imported the edited file into Aperture from Photoshop Elements as a TIFF rather than jpeg?

Should I export the compressed, edited jpeg as a TIFF

Should I alter the dpi from 72 to 300?

Can I increase the quality slider on the Tiff from 10 to 12? 

Is a TIFF quality 10 better than a JPEG quality 12?

I’m confused!

Thanks in advance,


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 3, 2014 - 8:14pm

This question was never responded to as it's in the wrong forum. Please re-post in the Aperture Questions forum and you'll likely get a quick response there.

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