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How to Reproduce the Basic Lightroom Exposure Adjustments in COP? #1
Mhede's picture
by Mhede
April 19, 2016 - 10:46am


I am somewhat new to COP and have been using LR for some time now. In LR there are sliders for Highlights, Shadows, Whites and Blacks (via “Process 2012”).

What are the equivalent adjustment sliders in COP 9.1.1?

Inside COP I see the Brightness slider and the HDR “recovery” sliders, but the COP Highlight Recovery and Shadow Recovery sliders have completely different scales (which range from 0-100) than the LR Highlights and Shadows sliders (which range from -100 to +100).  As such I am confused as to how best to reproduce the same adjustments in COP that I am used to in LR.

I did figure out that adjusting the new Luma curve in COP 9.1.1 got me most of the way “there” but this seems to be too much work to reproduce the adjustments from the 4 basic LR sliders I mentioned above.

Can someone please point me in the right direction?


MikeA's picture
by MikeA
April 23, 2016 - 6:24pm

Don’t know what exactly you expect here. Even if the adjustments settings use different scales (0-100 instead of -100 to +100), why don’t you just fiddle around with them and experiment until you get a decent look?

Also the Auto Adjust (OPT+A) of C1 works great and is usually a pretty good starting point.

I can point you to the excellent online tutorials and webinars by Phase One, which describe in detail how to do adjustments, but at the end of the day you just have to learn to use the tool just like one day you had to learn to use LR:

Mhede's picture
by Mhede
May 10, 2016 - 3:11am

I didn’t provide enough context in my question but I was looking for some insight on exactly what the sliders are doing in COP, not just fiddling around with them. I like to know exactly what they are designed for so I can learn how to use them how they were intended to start off and then learn the creative aspect later on.  I have a black to white gradient image so I just loaded that into COP and figured out what the sliders are targeting.  FYI there is a new book out on COP 9 by Sascha Erni that I have found very useful.  It has cleared up some confusion I had on certain things but I have yet to complete it. He has a close relationship with PhaseOne though and knows some of the inner workings of the program.

Thanks for your help.



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