WhatsApp is popular with users around the world. WhatsApp Messenger seems to be an indispensable app on our phone. However, when switching from iPhone to a new Android, how can you transfer WhatsApp conversations from iPhone to Android phone? We can backup WhatsApp chats via iCloud, but it would not work with an Android phone.
Paste this question into Google, and then you’ll find two free but cumbersome ways to use email (transfer one by one) and WazzapMigrator (make sure you have an unencrypted iTunes backup). If you don’t mind, you can follow the steps in Google to transfer WhatsApp messages to your new phone. Save time and save lives.
Paste this question into Google, and then you’ll find two free but cumbersome ways to use email (transfer one by one) and WazzapMigrator (make sure you have an unencrypted iTunes backup). If you don’t mind, you can follow the steps in Google to transfer WhatsApp messages iPhone to Android. Save time and save lives.
Although it’s a bit of a hassle, you can use email transfer like this: Open WhatsApp on your iPhone and tap Settings > Chat Settings > Repeat this one by one: select the WhatsApp conversation, then tap it and swipe left > More Options > Select Export Chat > select an email address, then press Send > On Android Phone Receive a WhatsApp message on the login to email. This is a free way. Of course, this may be the most troublesome way to transfer WhatsApp messages from iPhone to Android.
WhatsApp is popular with users around the world. WhatsApp Messenger seems to be an indispensable app on our phone. However, when switching from iPhone to a new Android, how can you transfer WhatsApp conversations from iPhone to Android phone? We can backup WhatsApp chats via iCloud, but it would not work with an Android phone.
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e6bIxk3jM8
Paste this question into Google, and then you’ll find two free but cumbersome ways to use email (transfer one by one) and WazzapMigrator (make sure you have an unencrypted iTunes backup). If you don’t mind, you can follow the steps in Google to transfer WhatsApp messages to your new phone. Save time and save lives.
I hope to help.
Although it’s a bit of a hassle, you can use email transfer like this:
Open WhatsApp on your iPhone and tap Settings > Chat Settings > Repeat this one by one: select the WhatsApp conversation, then tap it and swipe left > More Options > Select Export Chat > select an email address, then press Send > On Android Phone Receive a WhatsApp message on the login to email.
This is a free way. Of course, this may be the most troublesome way to transfer WhatsApp messages from iPhone to Android.
To transfer messages from WhatsApp on iPhone to Android, you can use some third-party software that’s not my neighbor or online services.