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Adjust Date and Time... Images not sorting to new info #1
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by BugDoc
August 8, 2015 - 8:55pm

Hi everyone

Doing some tests to maybe eventually migrate from Aperture, and I’ve across what seems to be a bug or an oversight. 

When I adjust the time of an image without changing the date, using the “Adjust Date and Time…” option from the Image menu, the picture does not get resorted. It stays in the same spot relative to all other images, instead of being resorted by the time I’ve assigned to it.

However, if I also change the date, it does get moved to the right “Moment” (different day), and does appear to be sorted properly by hour with the images from that day. (Setting it back to it’s original date with the new hour doesn’t fix the problem either)

Anyone else notice this? Am I missing something? Is this fixed in the current beta?

Thanks for any insight,


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