I've just started on a project where I'm going to properly organize photos from the last 5-6 years, adding title, captions, geotagging and keywording. In the end these photos are getting exported to a site like smugmug, flickr, picasa.
I started the keywording taking advantage of Aperture hierarchical keywords but today I suddenly remembered that I've had difficulties to export the tags in a useful way. My problem is that I've tended to do something like this
+— Smith
| +—- Joe
| +—- Sara
| +—- Pete
+— Takr
+—- David
+—- Leia
+—- Sara
+—- Pete
The problem has been that photos that I've exported ended up with the keywords set to, for example, joe, sara, david …
This is a problem since 'sara' appears in two places and I want to see a difference between them. The FlickExport plugin seem to export as “people, smith, joe, sara, david, takr” which still makes it impossible to say if the photo contains Sara Smith or Sara Takr or both.
Right now the only way I figure out to handle this is to use
+— Smith
| +—- Joe Smith
| +—- Sara Smith
| +—- Pete Smith
+— Takr
+—- David Takr
+—- Leia Takr
+—- Sara Takr
+—- Pete Takr
which would result in: joe smith, sara takr, david takr. Which would be fine.
Before committing to this scheme I would like to ask if there is a better way to handle this?
Makes sense to me! I’d definitely include the complete data in each keyword. Hierarchical keywords is a nice Aperture feature, but definitely not universally recognized.
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
— Have you signed up for the mailing list?
Two additional questions:
+ are the hierarchical keywords in any way exported to jpegs ?
+ are there any other systems that can make use of Apertures hierarchical keywords (for example the FlickrExport plugin can optionally include the hierarchy)?