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Aperture 3 won't process RAWs in copied library #1
George Hardy's picture
by George Hardy
July 18, 2013 - 1:52am

I upgraded my 2TB startup drive to a new 4TB HD. Using Carbon Copy Cloner, everything went without a hitch.

However, NOW Aperture 3.4.5 won't process RAW files. I get the “Unsupported Image Format” icon when the program attempts to create the duplicate for processing. Only the Canon .CR2 files can't be processed. This doesn't affect any .JPEG files in the library - so the iPhone images, digicam, etc. images work as before.

I've thrown out the plist file, attempted to “Reprocess Originals”, etc. The problem is seems to be with the copied library. It looks exactly as before, but the hitch comes when I attempt to edit RAW. I also tried to import the old library into a fresh new one. After the import, the problems comes along with it. I CAN import individual folders, which work. But I'll lose a lot of editing work.

I've been an Aperture user from version 1.0.

System: 12GB Mac Pro running Lion.

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 18, 2013 - 2:02am

Try the three steps of the Repair / Rebuild when starting AP. Let us know if that helped or didn’t. good luck David
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

George Hardy's picture
by George Hardy
July 18, 2013 - 2:06pm

I did all three, no luck. I also repaired the entire drive’s permissions. Again, it didn’t help.

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 18, 2013 - 6:10pm

Hi George

I hope the others chime in on this cuz Im a little weak if the above steps didnt work.
You deleted the AP permissions but what about the cache. The cache file to delete is located at ~/Library/Caches/ then reboot again.

If you take the home lib_ Application Support _ Aperture Folder to the desktop and reboot, you can pull out plugins and presets to add back in if that step helped.

You may end up reinstalling your OS and Aperture read Recovery of OS

Did you ever install Final Cut X  ???

Keep reporting back so someone smarter will pick up for me
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 18, 2013 - 6:39pm

Oh another thought If you repair system permissions using Disk Utilizes then you should follow up with “permission repair” via AP. Someone smarter than I told me that. FYI

Try opening the CR2 file with Apple’s Preview. If that doesn’t open up then re install OS X. If you can see the image in preview then Re-install AP. Happy hunting
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Carl Brauer's picture
by Carl Brauer
July 18, 2013 - 8:14pm


Not sure if this might be related, but check this link:…

Although you did not download Aperture from the App Store, your process is similar. Worth giving it a try. Hope it works.

George Hardy's picture
by George Hardy
July 20, 2013 - 5:38am

Thanks for the replies. I have tried repairing permissions in both the Utility program as well as in Aperture itself. Nothing. Threw out cache file as well. Nothing. I have full permissions on my system. The RAW files open in Preview fine, and of course in PS CS 5.

Seems to me that I went down this road before when I upgraded from a 1TB to a 2TB startup drive. I think I finally reinstalled Aperture 3. But I managed to misplace the software discs, so I’m busy looking. Once I reinstall the software, I report on the outcome.

George Hardy's picture
by George Hardy
August 10, 2013 - 3:43pm

Thanks, everyone for the helpful suggestions. The actual solution turned out to be different than any offered.

I solved the problem by locating my referenced files and reconnecting to them. It was as simple as that.

I then noticed several oddities in my file structure, which I am still remedying by relocating the files to properly named folders and subfolders. For example, many of my bird photos ended up scattered in concert folders, or even in individually named folders for each single image! Perhaps my own mistake on import. Now I am much more cognizant on exactly where each new group of imports resides. in fact, I discovered that around 2,000 images were still being managed rather than referenced within Aperture. ;-)

Aperture is very good at keeping track of my images, whether I am careful or not. However, when I used the Carbon Copy Cloner app, for some reason, the actual connection was lost - although Aperture knew exactly where the images were when asked to reconnect.

This solved the “Unsupported Image Format” problem at last.

Back to work now - much happier knowing that the images and their edits are intact!


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