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Aperture 3.1 - Any Problems? #1
Bill Montgomery's picture
by Bill Montgomery
October 22, 2010 - 11:34pm

I took the plunge and updated to 3.1 last night. I haven't really tested any of the promised performance enhancements or bug fixes (not that I was having any problems with 3.0.3).

The update went smoothly and there was little trouble upgrading my libraries. But an odd thing did happen. The first library I upgraded houses ~18,000 photos. The processing took surprisingly little time. Next I upgraded a much smaller library, probably fewer than 1000 photos. Once the 10-step upgrade completed, Aperture went into a deep funk (i.e. stopped responding and wouldn't hide when i typed command+H, but I could move the window around the desktop). The program did not show the Updating Library dialog box that Joseph described. Nor did it indicate that it was processing. But I let it sit for a while and worked on other stuff. About 15 minutes later it woke up and gave me no further trouble.

Normally I would have waited for 3.1.1 before upgrading. Has anyone had any problems?

harringg's picture
by harringg
October 23, 2010 - 5:57am

Early usage seems snappier. It did fix a Smart Album bug I was having with a specific set of SA criteria I was using. I like the ability to view all of my FaceBook albums in one place too, even one’s not created in Aperture.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 24, 2010 - 12:23am


You may have encountered the bug that I pointed out in a note on the review, where the window won’t come into focus. If you look closely, you would see that the Aperture window isn’t ever the “front most window” (called “focus”). Notice the window you’re in now, how the three buttons on the top left corner are colored in most apps, or solid grey in Aperture (and other Pro Apps)? Select another window, and see how those go dim? Only the in-focus window will be fully highlighted, and the problem I referred to, which it sounds like you found, is where it refuses to come in focus.

Some users have reported that clicking on the desktop and coming back fixes it. Others have reported that just waiting it out will fix it. I’m usually not that patient and end up force-quitting, but perhaps next time I’ll just leave it be for a while :-)

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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