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Aperture and NAS #1
Chris wagram's picture
by Chris wagram
June 15, 2013 - 8:56pm


I use a MacBook Pro, Aperture for photo management and just got a NAS network drive which I'd like to use as central repository for my data (including my pics)
I read on your blog that saving the Aperture library on a network drive was not recommended. My question is: What solution would you recommend to store pictures on a NAS device? Is there a way of using a NAS with Aperture?

Many thanks,

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
June 15, 2013 - 10:47pm

Hi Chris
I use a DoboS directly connected to a MBP 2009. Keep the lib on the internal HD and the images referenced on the NAS/DAS. A directly connected NAS is safer from a lost connection and of course Speed. Old slower DAS units had problems with Aperture because of speed. Your newer box will be fine but you do need to keep the Referenced lib on the internal drive. Cheers n Happy shooting
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Chris wagram's picture
by Chris wagram
June 16, 2013 - 12:57am

Hi DBmore, thanks for your reply… Sorry maybe this is a stupid question but what’s the difference between the library and the referenced pictures? I thought all pictures in Aperture were stored within the library…

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
June 16, 2013 - 1:42am

“Never Stupid a question is,” (Yoda imitation) When you import your images you can tell AP to Store the images in a new location other than the Lib. Thus a Library can be: Referenced, Managed and/or a Combination of both. In fact you can take pre-ingested managed images and make them reference at anytime and visa versa. Check out the FAQ on this site along with the very reasonable videos and ibooks cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

katy's picture
by katy
June 16, 2013 - 8:23am

Not sure if this is relevant but thought I would throw my 2 cents in. 2 years ago I bought a Drobo FS to store all of my images in. It was not compatible with aperture. We tried numerous things, worked with the people at Drobo and just gave up. Recently I bought the new Drobo 5D and just successfully relocated my entire library to the Drobo 5D and so far it is working flawlessly. I have heard from others that networked Drobos are not always a good fit with aperture. I use my old Drobo FS as back up. it is networked and will not allow me to create a vault on it. Hope that was helpful. Best of luck

Parallax's picture
by Parallax
November 22, 2013 - 7:03pm

I use a Synology 1511+, connected via gigabit ethernet switch.  I tend to import photos to a referenced library on my computer, do basic editing, sorting, tagging and then move them to the NAS.  I have found that speed is still acceptable when editing photos that are stored on the Synology.  I previously used a Drobo, and the speed was not acceptable with that device, nor on a USB 2.0 external drive.

So in my opinion, depending on what NAS you are using, I see no problems working with photos that are stored on a NAS - it depends upon the speed of the NAS & the bandwidth your connection to it affords.

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