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aperture & iphoto #1
Graham Hindle's picture
by Graham Hindle
April 19, 2011 - 3:37am

I have all the images that my wife ands i take on a network drive. I use Aperture for all my work but she really likes to use iphoto. What i want to do is to continue to do all my work in aperture, and then have a smart folder that i can use to send to her that exports to iphoto so she can view the new images, as well as keep her own iphoto library. Any ideas if this is possible with a few simple steps

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
April 19, 2011 - 11:16am

The easiest thing would be for your wife to use the Aperture photo viewer within iPhoto to grab the photos from your smart album. (The command is File->Show Aperture Library and she can select your smart album in the list at the top) She’d have to determine which ones were new by comparing with what she already has.

For this to work you’d both need to be using the same login account on your Mac.

If you’re using different accounts, I have some ideas. Post back if that’s the case.


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