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Aperture library too big? #1
stump4545's picture
by stump4545
September 28, 2012 - 2:38am

My current library that i use everyday is about 300gb comprising of 18mb photos.

Is this library too big for my i5 quad core imac with 16gb of ram or is it no problem?

Wasnt sure if i was better off making a new library and vault the old stuff.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 28, 2012 - 6:02am

Look at it this way – until things start to feel slow, you don’t need to worry about it. And even then you should exhaust other maintenance and repair routines first. Breaking up the library, and managing multiple libraries, is a pain for most people.

Check the FAQ for tips on cleaning things up if your system is feeling sluggish.

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John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
September 28, 2012 - 4:08am

Your library is OK.
You can make new libraries to suit your needs.
I keep a library for each year of personal work, a library for each year of small commercial projects, and libraries for large projects (5,000-10,000 images).
Vaulting small libraries takes less time initially but the vault updates go fast.

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

Carey Dissmore's picture
by Carey Dissmore
January 11, 2013 - 3:03am

Okay, but what if your Aperture Library (as in mine) is 700GB and contains over 52192 images and movie clips?

I’m asking because I just opened it and it complained about the database, then engaged in a lengthy rebuild. It seems okay now that it has finished, but I’m just wondering when/if/how to make a break.

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