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Aperture Stuck Generating Preview #1
Brett Hovenkotter's picture
by Brett Hovenkotter
February 26, 2013 - 6:39am

Every time I open Aperture I get the “Processing…” spinner indefinitely. When I open the Activity console I see that it is stuck generating a preview. I deleted the offending photo and restarted (I have to Force Quit every time) and I find that it is stuck on a new photo. I've deleted about 15 photos now and I feel like I'm just playing whack a mole. Some of these photos have been in my library for 3+ years, so I don't think there's anything actually wrong with them.

I have done the double-click+cmd+option trick to repair permissions, repair library and rebuild library, none of which seem to help. I've removed my Facebook account in case it was pulling a bad photo from there. I also attempted to open the library in iPhoto, but that app just starts beach-balling.

I'm using Aperture 3.4.3 on OS X 10.8.2. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
February 26, 2013 - 6:59am

I’m curious how long you have let it run generating the preview? I’m wondering if allowed to run long enough that it might actually finish. I can’t explain the lengthy duration, but I do wonder if it would eventually finish if allowed.

Russell's picture
by Russell
February 26, 2013 - 6:42pm

I get spinning beachballs a lot & its typically when Aperture has hogged over 11Gb of my 12Gb of RAM & arbitrarily decides to stop paging any of the 600Gb of free space on my hard drive that it can use for virtual memory.

Rather than a Force Quit, I’ve started doing this now -

I still get beachballs of course - it’s Aperture after all - but this Terminal method minimises/minimizes the need for database repairs & rebuilds. In your case, it may even force Aperture to finish building the preview before quitting by stopping Aperture doing other resource hungry things & devoting itself to the preview generation.

Worth a try?


Brett Hovenkotter's picture
by Brett Hovenkotter
March 2, 2013 - 9:24am

Thanks for the suggestion, I will try killall in the future.

I solved my problem by resurrecting an older copy of my Aperture Library from Time Machine. I only lost an hour or so of work.

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