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Auto Import for Photos? #1
iHarley's picture
by iHarley
April 9, 2015 - 12:03am

I setup a non-tech friendly family member who uses iPhoto and an Android phone. The phone backs up photos to Dropbox, and then I have an automator function that moves photos to the Auto Import folder of the iPhoto’s library database. Then when iPhoto opens photos from the phone, sent to Dropbox, get automatically imported to iPhoto. A quick look around Photos and the Photos library doesn’t show an Auto Import folder, and adding one doesn’t do anything. Is there another way to do this? And the answer of getting an iPhone isn’t an option.

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
April 9, 2015 - 6:29am

I was going to suggest looking at Automator. But I just opened it after upgrading to MacOS X 10.10.3 and I don’t see anything that works with the new Photos app. Still only shows iPhoto and Aperture actions. I’m not sure whether Photos will ever get added to Automator but I hope so.


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