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Auto-split on import #1
Matt Holmes's picture
by Matt Holmes
March 7, 2013 - 5:22am

In preferences I have selected “one project per day” for the “autosplit into projects” option. In the import window I have checked the “Automatically split projects option”. When I do this I see the photos separate out into projects split by day ready for import. However the split is not accurate - some different (consecutive) days photos are appearing as one project with the earliest date. Looking at the photo info (all this is still prior to actual import) the correct dates are noted for each photo- so why are my 24th Feb photos being grouped with my 23rd Feb photos to be imported into a single project titled Feb 23rd, 2013? Incidentally photos on the same card from 17th Feb are correctly separated into their own project - it is just those from 23rd and 24th that are grouped together.

A Google search suggest others have had the same experience, but I couldn't find what seemed to be a definitive answer to the question - hope you can help.

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