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Brushes? #1
xavier's picture
by xavier
February 9, 2015 - 1:19pm

I have been using Aperture for the last 5 years. Brushes are actually an important part of my workflow.

I understand that Photos for mac (at least in this beta) does not have all brushes we had in aperture.

However, may I ask you what happens right now with the pictures that were treated by brushes in Aperture once imported to Photos? Do i lose the work done? Do they still keep the brush effect but can not be edited anymore?

Many thanks in advance, Xavier.

Peter's picture
by Peter
March 7, 2015 - 12:37pm

No brushes available in Photos.

Brushes applied in Aperture are visible in Photos after migration of the Library, but cannot be modified other than Revert to original.


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