I want to do a clean install of Mac OS 10.6. What's the best way to reïmport my Aperture settings/photos? I have 1 library and all of my masterfiles are referenced on a drobo. There's also an aperture vault on the drobo.
Do I start from the vault or do I have to export my library first and import it again when I've reinstalled Aperture? How can I save my (import- & export-)presets?
It all depends on how “clean” of a clean install you’re doing…
If you’re just going to reinstall the OS, you won’t need to do anything. All of your settings, preferences, etc. will be retained.
If you’re going to reformat the hard drive, install the OS and copy everything back, then yes you should back up your settings first, and copy them back into place.
Here’s all the bits and pieces (I think… there could be more but pretty sure this is everything). ~ is your user folder.
~/Library/Application Support/Aperture
~/Pictures/Aperture Library
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/ProApps/ProAppsSystemID
That last one is, I’m pretty sure where the serial number is stored—along with the serial for any other pro apps you have, such as Final Cut Studio.
good luck
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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