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Copying and merging referenced library #1
Ronald Orenstein's picture
by Ronald Orenstein
January 1, 2014 - 3:09pm

I am fairly new at Aperture. I keep my main library on a desktop imac. When I travel I use a MacBook. Here is what I want to do for an extended trip:

1. Create an empty working library on my MacBook.
2. Copy all my keywords from my imac library to the new empty library.
3. Use the empty library for photos I add on the trip (referenced raw masters)., including making adjustments, labeling, creating captions and exporting versions.
4. On my return transfer the new library, with the referenced masters, back to the imac.
5. Merge the new library with my main imac library in a way that preserves any new keywords, adjustments etc and relocates the referenced masters to a folder on my imac.

My problem is that I don’t have the faintest idea how to do this. I do not want to create a managed library if I can help it.

Any help would be much appreciated - I need to set this up this week.

Thanks to all!

Ronald Orenstein

David Edge's picture
by David Edge
January 1, 2014 - 9:53pm


Joseph’s advice (well informed) and my gut feeling says use managed images for your trip. Can’t see any benefit to using referenced.

If you create an empty working library on the iMac it will take metadata presets with it but not keywords. So small advantage to creating it on the iMac and moving to MacBook. For keywords, no problem, export them from your master library and import to the working library. Under a gearwheel in the ‘Info’ tab (sorry, doing a rebuild so can’t look at it just now).

When you get back import the library to your main library - Import, Library or similar. Edits, metadata and all that will be preserved. 

Finally relocate the masters from your trip from the master library by creating a smart album of referenced images, selecting them and doing ‘relocate masters’. 



Ronald Orenstein's picture
by Ronald Orenstein
January 2, 2014 - 3:50am

OK, amateur question - can I import a managed library into a referenced library?  Will it “re-convert” to referenced and purge itself of the managed masters?

Ronald Orenstein

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
January 2, 2014 - 5:34pm

No. Importing managed images into another library keeps them managed in the target library. After import, you must “Relocate Master” to move them outside the library and convert them to Referenced.

David Edge's picture
by David Edge
January 1, 2014 - 10:15pm

No, I’m talking mince re exporting keywords. To do that you use Shift-H to get the keyword HUD and the import / export bits are at the bottom.

I was thinking of importing/exporting metadata presets which is

Info tab = gearwheel top right - manage presets

In the Metadata window that appears there’s a gearwheel bottom left for import/export


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