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D800E Distortion Control & Aperture 3.4.3 #1
gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
January 19, 2013 - 6:05pm


I've just moved my 35mm from D700 to D800E and am a little confused about what is happening with the Distortion Control.

I used it on a first job with the 24mm AFD lens (old but sharp) which is supported by Nikon Distortion Control, so as I understand it, the info is included in the NEF file.

When I open an image in Aperture, there is the usual pause as the jpeg is generate, then the RAW treatment is applied (I don't shoot sidecar jpegs).

What is confusing is that I can see a distortion treatment being applied to each image. The problem is, that it looks better (less distorted) before. It is 'fixing' pin-cushioning. I'm guessing that it is already being applied in camera and then perhaps being applied a second time by Aperture.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? The RAW tools in Aperture do not offer me any way of turning it off or otherwise reverting to the original.


gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
January 19, 2013 - 7:39pm

I think I can answer my own question.

The d800e is applying distortion correction to the file in camera, which in my case is being shown in the imported preview jpeg. However, Aperture does not understand the distortion control parameters, flagged in the NEF and so cannot apply them when it generates it’s own preview image, so I’m seeing the image ‘snap back’ to having no distortion control applied. Roll on Ap4.

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