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'Delete photos not in any album' script? #1
darrenr0's picture
by darrenr0
April 21, 2015 - 4:37pm


So after many years using Aperture 3.0 my hard drive is almost full and I’ve since discovered my flawed skills in Aperture which has caused this massive filling up of my hard drive!

I create a project called say, ‘France’ and then within that an album of the date of the holiday where I import all of my pics into.  I then go into that album and make my adjustments and delete the unwanted photos.  It’s only now that I’ve realised that all the deleted photos are still in the project  as I always looks and review my albums and not the project.

Does anyone knows of a ‘delete photos not in any album’ script which places these images in the aperture trash ready for you to check before deleting for good or another simple way for me to achieve this mass deletion?  I’d rather not do this manually which will take forever!

Going forwards I will make sure I replace my albums for projects and projects for folders, d’oh!


Darren, UK

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