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DNG comverter script as part of importing? #1
Kirkebys's picture
by Kirkebys
September 1, 2013 - 11:54pm

I'm looking for a smart way to set up an Aperture 3 workflow - where my propriatary camera raw files get converted into DNG-files during the import process. Aperture's Import menu allows for an Apple-Script to come into action as part of the Import settings. I was thinking if it would be possible for an AppleScript to automatically send the files through the DNG converter app, that can be downloaded for free, and back into Aperture? So that when the files were finally imported into Aperture they would be DNG-files?

Greatful for any answers

Kirkebys's picture
by Kirkebys
September 2, 2013 - 12:57am
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