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Duplicates in Aperture library after merging with previously referenced iphoto library - how to fix? #1
uli's picture
by uli
January 18, 2015 - 12:13am

A good while ago when starting with Aperture, I imported my iPhoto library such that the photos in the iPhoto library were referenced from Aperture. I used these referenced photos to design photo books in Aperture.

When it became possible to merge the iPhoto and Aperture library, I decided to do that, hoping to simplify my photo libraries. But for each project in the original iPhoto library I now have two projects in the Aperture library:

One project has been newly created by merging the libraries

The other project is left over from the original iPhoto import, containing referenced images. The link to the originals is broken, which can be fixed using File > Locate References Files, then referencing the new location in the merged library.

Having each project twice is really a mess - I was hoping that i can delete one of the projects, but then Aperture warns me that the photos are used in photo books (no matter which of the two projects I try to delete) - and I do not want to break the photo books.

Any ideas how to clean this up are greatly appreciated!



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