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Export album,file order #1
Keith Bryant's picture
by Keith Bryant
June 15, 2012 - 7:08pm

Having created an album,manually arranged the images into the order I want and then exported it to a desktop folder, the exported images are arranged in an apparently random order. Not what I want.
Any way of keeping the images in the desired order?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 17, 2012 - 8:54am


The finder arranges images however you’ve set it to (no sorting, by name, date, file size, etc.). There’s no connection between Aperture’s sorting and files that have been exported from Aperture.

If you want to force the order, I recommend naming them 01 02 03 etc. Or if you want them to be chronological, put the yyyymmdd at the start of the filename so sorting by name does sort by date. This is how I do it to sync to my iPad and force the order.

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Ruud Hennequin's picture
by Ruud Hennequin
September 14, 2013 - 5:19am

It seems to me that the way you SELECT them determines the order in which they will be exported.
What I see is that many people select images by pulling their mouse from e.g. right-below to top-left. So the first image selected is the the one the mouse encounters first and is the one right-below. When you give the exported files a counter, then that one will get 1. And so on.
What works is this:
- select e.g. your album in Aperture
- arrange the images the way you want e.g. by Date
- make sure no image is selected
- from the menu choose Select All (or Cmd-a)
Now when you export with a counter, the files are numbered in the exact order you have chosen for them in Aperture.

Does this help?

Rgards, Ruud

Ruud Hennequin

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