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Folder Management #1
Darrell Wood's picture
by Darrell Wood
April 24, 2010 - 8:50am

help. I would like to understand how users keep their Aperture library in Sync with their Pictures and videos held on their hard drives. I am used to simply sync folders and brining in new ones. I only create collections based on smart tags using IPTC info. This prevents me being locked to a prgram. I do not like the idea of spending hours with projects and Folders only to loose them if I ever change programs.

One Idea I have had is that I mirror the folder structure in apertures Projects and Folders but this seems to have issues and maintenance issues. Any bright ideas welcome.

If only aperture had a real folder view based on actual location.

Any suggestions appreciated.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 24, 2010 - 10:37am


You’re right in that Aperture does not have a way to simply browse the file structure in the Finder. There are too many other necessary components for both the metadata and the image adjustments, masks, etc that they can’t just be “let loose” in the system.

However it is possible to maintain an identical structure in the Finder and in Aperture, with a little effort and discipline. When you import images, you have the option to store them wherever you like. And in choosing a location, you can also choose a folder structure. Personally I use a YYYY/MM/DD structure, and I have my files named with critical info. However you could also have them stored in a folder of the same project name.

If you look at the import dialog, once you’ve chosen a location that’s no “In the Aperture Library”, you can choose a subfolder. There are some presets, but you can make your own. For example you could make one that’s YYYY / MM / Project Name. Then images imported today would be in a folder 2010 / 04 / My Project. You could mirror that structure in Aperture, and then you’d have a structure that matches both inside and out.

Again this requires diligence—you’d have to pay attention on every import. But if it’s your habit, I don’t see it being hard to do.

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Darrell Wood's picture
by Darrell Wood
April 24, 2010 - 6:26pm


thanks for reply. 2 questions if I may

1. Do you think aperture will ever provide that view of real folder location as it must know it to know where each image is.

Secondly if a whole folder moves in real location. You only seem to be able to reconnect individual files one by one. Is that correct.

Thanks again

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 8, 2010 - 4:01am


1. Not likely. The basis of Aperture’s file management is such that you can move and store things in Aperture in ways that aren’t possible in the finder (smart albums, published albums, books, etc). The workflow just doesn’t translate.

2. Not at all… if you are in the Referenced File manager and locate a single disconnected (moved) file, there’s a Reconnect All button that will reconnect everything in the relative path. Most often though if you move the files in the Finder while Aperture is running, it will follow them and the link will never be broken.

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