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Following Aperture's "Help", I can't 'add' a library from a MBAir to my MB Pro #1
bob william's picture
by bob william
September 8, 2014 - 4:43pm

I’ve followed the following info Help gives on such activity :  [ read on below the info I’ve pasted in here in italics ]

Transfer the modified library from the second computer to the first computer.

    .    On the first computer, choose File > Import > Library/Project, locate the modified library file from the second computer, then click Import.
A dialog appears, asking you to choose which library to use to resolve potential conflicts caused by the differences between the libraries.

    .    Click Add.

When I open Aperture on the MBP into which I want to move the Library from the MB Air [ I had already exported it from Aperture on the Air onto the Desktop of the Air and connected the two computers via Target Disk Mode ]  The only choice I’m given on the MBPro is to “Merge”, putting it into a separate Library on the Pro, when what I really want is the “ADD“ option which would put the images I wish to import from the Air into the same, base Library already existing on the Pro without erasing or overwriting images already in the Pro’s Library.

Why am I not given the “add” option on the Pro as the Help info pasted in above tells me I should do ? I know I should “add” but am not given the option. Gggrrrrrrr !

Thank you



Bob S.

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