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Forums Page-NICE! #1
Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
November 15, 2013 - 4:18pm

Joseph,  I really like the way the Forums page has been set up with notices of new posts, what’s going on, the ability to switch to the various selected posts on the top such as unanswered topics, etc.  Just thought you might like to hear something other than a bug :)

Florian Cortese

Luc L.L.'s picture
by Luc L.L.
November 15, 2013 - 4:50pm

Agree!  ITs a very nice feature…..  might also be nice to have on the sub-forum pages.

Btw .. not sure if the filtering worked properly since I don’t see my own newly posted items when I filter on new/updated in this forum……but….. I know you mentioned the forum in in a galactic moment of change…… so we will see when it arrives on the other side of time ….


But as well… keep up the nice work!!! feel the itching in your fingers to soon release this site …..  and some of the items we complain about … i’m sure that to some of them we will get used …. one day ;-)   put the bottle cold … soon to be opened!  (and catch up on sleep)  !




Luc - Mini/MBP/MBPR - QNAP NAS, Nikon D5300, AW100, Sony TR3

Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
November 15, 2013 - 4:57pm

Also nice touch with the “breadcrumbs” on the top of the page.  makes for easier movement around the site.

Florian Cortese

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 15, 2013 - 11:15pm

Thanks guys, appreciated. I think we found a theme that works now for the forum, and gives us the features we need. Having everyone on it vs just us poking around sure makes a big difference! 

Breadcrumbs on forums are great, yes. They were site-wide but I pulled it from everywhere but the forums. That's the only place it really makes sense.

The UI is ugly now (well, depending on when you log in) for the new forum theme, but we're refining quickly. Hopefully this is “the one”.

Thanks again! And yes, VERY itchy to get this public.

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