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High noise reduction iso 6400 !!! #1
subsea's picture
by subsea
February 6, 2011 - 4:38pm

Hey there
i was forced to shoot at low light action shoots so i cranked the iso up to 6400, with a D90 and a 3.2 lens (disaster)
got the shoot but now i have noise and lots of it :(
I tried to get Aperture to deal with it but no luck, so i got a 30 day trial of Lr and got the job done.The noise reduction is very good in light room even with under exposed shoots.
so i can i get the same results in Aperture. i was looking for a preset for it on the Web but no luck.
is there any body here who can tell me what to do i have about 120 shoots i am dealing with

Jaimie Harris's picture
by Jaimie Harris
February 6, 2011 - 7:41pm


There are a number of Noise Reduction plug-ins available for Aperture; Topaz DeNoise, Nik Dfine, etc. See here for more:

Adobe is currently in the lead with this but it is quite likely that this will become a standard feature and be added to the next full version of Aperture. `This competition benefits all of us.


subsea's picture
by subsea
February 7, 2011 - 6:09am

Yes i know that i could buy all sorts of plug in”s but i was hoping to Aperture to do it
since i don’t want to wast money on a plug in that i will use one time.
i guess i reached the limitation of aperture :)
but thanks for the reply anyway, is good to know to is the apps limitation and not the user :)

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
February 8, 2011 - 10:20am


You can get a 30 free day trial of some of the plug-ins. I know the Nik Dfine is available for sure. If you only use it once, you’re out nothing. You can decide later if it is worth it to pay.

The downside is all the plugins require creating a new TIFF or PSD master file which is the one that the plugin works on. If you did this frequently, it would add some serious bulk to your library. Since Lightroom can do it non-destructively, it doesn’t take up extra disk space. Aperture needs to get this improved noise reduction built in for sure.


subsea's picture
by subsea
February 8, 2011 - 2:12pm

good idea will do and see the results, but i looks like i have to start over on my 15000 shots to library fault (new post)

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