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HUD and using the 'Shift' key to hide All but the current adjustment #1
Mackie's picture
by Mackie
January 9, 2014 - 5:25pm


This is my first post here on ApertureExpert.  I’ve been watching a few of the AE videos, and saw a tip where the SHIFT key can be used to hide all but the currently selected adjustment (with the HUD).  I’ve been trying to use this feature without success.  Tried with both the MacBook’s own keyboard, as well as an external keyboard, as well as a tablet and the internal track-pad.

Any ideas on what is going on here?


Thanks,  MAQ 

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
January 9, 2014 - 7:48pm

Are you doing it while in full screen mode? I just tried it in full screen mode and all adjustments worked as you describe when combined with the SHIFT key in the HUD.

Mackie's picture
by Mackie
January 9, 2014 - 8:36pm

Hi Walter,

Thanks for checking - Yes, I’m in full screen mode.  Just tried again, and it didn’t work.  I’m now wondering if I have some unforeseen keyboard mapping at play.

Mackie's picture
by Mackie
January 9, 2014 - 9:26pm

Hi again,

I think I just discovered the problem.  I had the HUD brick locked up on the left side top to bottom.  When I unlock it, I am now able to get this feature to work.

Thanks Walter for chiming in.


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