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Image Adjustments On Mobile Me #1
James Sinardi's picture
by James Sinardi
December 29, 2010 - 9:10pm

Hello and Happy Holidays

Does anyone know how to make my image adjustments in Aperture carry forward to Flicker and Mobile Me Galleries? I am making my adjustments “Force Regenerating Previews and also Force Reprocessing Masters” when I check my Galleries they always show the unadjusted image.



Jim Stackhouse's picture
by Jim Stackhouse
January 2, 2011 - 1:31am

Not sure what is happening there. I can make adjustments and post to MobileMe.

I did notice some ‘odd behavior” with photos that are stacked. I made a duplicate version of a photo. Aperture automatically makes a stack. I made adjustments to this new version. If I select the new version (2nd in a stack) and add it to the MobileMe album, the entire stack will appear in my MobileMe album within Aperture. If I visit the MobileMe album thru my browser, only the stack pic (1st unadjusted version) appears, not the 2nd adjusted version. If I unstack the photos, both versions will appear in the MobileMe album. I can then remove the 1st verion from the album and only the 2nd version will appear.

Not sure if that helps with your issue.

Jim S.

James Sinardi's picture
by James Sinardi
January 3, 2011 - 7:28pm

Thanks for the response Jim. I feel dumb but here you are. It turns out after a call to Apple that the issue was a corrupt image file. Deleted reimport solved…….

Thanks Again


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
January 6, 2011 - 1:12am

James and Jim,

I think you’re both looking at different issues.

James; glad to hear it was a simple case of file corruption. Easily solved.

Jim; yours is working as designed. When images are stacked, only the stack pick will be published, just as only the stack pick is visible when the stack is closed. You have both Picks and Album Picks, which allows you to have a different “pick” in a different album.

For example, if you have a photo that you’ve made a black and white version of for a particular use, you can have that version show up as the album pick in your “black and white” album, but still have the color one show up as the main “pick” anywhere else.

Sounds like a great topic for a post. I’ll do that in the next day or two.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 1, 2011 - 11:55pm


Changes made to the image should refresh to the online service automatically. Ensure that you have “Automatically check…” enabled in preferences, and/or you can simply click the broadcast icon at any time to force a refresh [screenshot].

It is possible for the link between published gallery and original to become broken—notably if you move projects between systems. It’s easy to check that the link is still established though. Open one of the galleries (Flickr, whatever) in Aperture, right-click on a photo, and choose “Show in Project”. If it goes to the photo in the original Aperture project, then the link is solid and any changes made to the master will reflect on the published one. If however you end up with a blank screen, then the link is broken. AFAIK there’s no way to re-establish that link.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Joseph Hogan's picture
by Joseph Hogan
April 19, 2011 - 2:14pm

I am having this problem, always have. I have my files in “Projects”. When I make adjustments to a file the adjustments do not show up when I Facebook/MobileMe from Aperture. Is there a way to replace the master file with the new adjusted image? Also, I have changed file location to “Pictures.” MacBook Pro. Aperture 3.

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