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Incomplete aperture time machine backup #1
Darren Hendley's picture
by Darren Hendley
October 21, 2013 - 4:08am

I'm in some desperate need of help.
Yesterday my internal hard drive gave up the ghost. I wasn't too worried as I have an up to date time machine backup.
However, when restored, my aperture library is 4gb - it was 200gb.
I have accepted that my aperture library is probably irretrievable - I've lookek into the folders for every day that the backups occurred and and the library is alway small - sometimes 5bg, sometines 6.
I have never had a time machine error.
I think it was backing up when the crash occurred. Could my images still be on the drive somewhere? Hidden in an incomplete backup?
At this stage, I don't care if all i get is the previews, I just want to picture of my children back.
Thanks for any help :-)

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