Hello All
I am very new to this but I would like to ask some advice regarding Aperture.
I recently spent several days sorting through approx 2,500 photos in iPhoto as I have recently converted to an iMac and thought it was about time I got on top of things. All went really well although after using a Windows PC for several years it took a while to get my head around the type of filing system iPhoto uses like events, albums etc. There were also 12 videos included which I put logically into an album called appropriately “videos”.
I was browsing the web on my new iMac and spotted something called Aperture and liked the look of it so I bought it and installed it and it is here my troubles started ………
All the photos from iPhoto imported as expected in events and albums as I had sorted them but the videos did not. The album I had created in iPhoto called “videos” imported correctly and it says alongside it there are 12 videos in it but sadly it is empty so I now have no idea how to correct this?
Has anyone else suffered the same error and how do I correct it please ???
Thanks very much
Welsh Legend
OK Guys Forget it - I fixed it !!!