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Library Confusion about Aperture to Photo migration #1
GD Rothenberg's picture
by GD Rothenberg
May 22, 2015 - 5:31pm

I read all of the posts and watched Joseph’s (unfinished) video about Photos migration but am still confused.  I have a managed Aperture library of ~ 17,000 pix.  I’d like to try Photos as a standalone with no intention of using the iCloud option (which I understand is one of the main attractions of the new program).  I also would like to experiment with Lightroom/Capture One in the future.  My questions relate to reversability.  If I convert my Aperture managed library to Photos will that impede me if I subsequently switch to C1 or Lightroom?  Will I still be able to relocate originals into a refenced library from the Photos app?  Do I need/want to have parallel libraries in Aperture and Photos?  One thought is why even play with Photos if my intention is to stay w/Aperture as long as possible before switching, if necessary, to LR or C1?  I welcome all comments/suggestions

GD Rothenberg

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 22, 2015 - 5:40pm

If your Aperture library is referenced, it will stay referenced once you migrate to Photos. You can convert that to a Managed library in Photos, but YOU CAN NOT GO BACK TO REFERENCED. This is one of the big limitations I'm hoping to see addressed. So if you want to play in Photos, but still be able to easily go to Lr or another app, I advise leaving your library referenced. If it's Managed now, make it referenced first in Aperture, then migrate.

Does that answer your question? 

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GD Rothenberg's picture
by GD Rothenberg
May 22, 2015 - 5:45pm

Thanks, Joseph.  Yes, it does.  Any time frame on when the next few installments of the video on migration will be posted?  Ditto re: Apeture to Lightroom series?

GD Rothenberg

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