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Library Size Difference after update to Mt. Lion and 3.3.2? #1
Daniel Cox's picture
by Daniel Cox
August 5, 2012 - 9:17am

Has anyone else seen a major reduction in the size of the current Aperture library after updating to Mt. Lion and Aperture 3.3.2? Mine seems to be 1/3 the size of the old library. However, the other question is; does the old libarray need to be saved for the Updated Library to work propoerly? I found all of this out by doing a clean up. Was planning to throw the old Aperture libray out until I saw how different the sizes were. Not sure what to do. Any suggestions out there? I'm guessing I can get rid of the old labrary?

Daniel J. Cox

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 8, 2012 - 8:50am


Sorry for the delay. I wrote a response but have had internet issues today — I knew one answer was lost, and apparently it was this one!

OK first off, do NOT throw away that other library. There’s no way your library would reduce that much unless you threw away all previews, and if you had your previews at full size before. That’s way too much reduction.

Second, what did you do to get an extra library? There’s no new library created when you upgrade to Mountain Lion and/or Aperture 3.3.x. However you do now have the ability to open iPhoto libraries in Aperture, and Aperture libraries in iPhoto, so I wonder if perhaps you’re looking at an old iPhoto library and confusing it for an Aperture one? If that’s a stupid question, sorry, but I’m very confused as to how you ended up with an extra library 1/3 the size of your other one.

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