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Lost videos after exporting #1
David Nuss's picture
by David Nuss
February 2, 2013 - 8:01pm

Hello; Crisis mode here.
Like others, trying to reduce size of managed Aperture 3.4.3 library, I located all video files, then exported them to a folder on my Mac for further management.
I must have selected the wrong export command, since the videos disappeared from Aperture and the matching number of files appeared in the folder, but the size of the Library did not significantly change (hundreds of movie clips worth several GB).
Now, weeks later I'm going into the folder to manage the video clips and although the file names are correct, most of them are only in the kb's and do not play with any video software (yes I know, I should have checked earlier!).
Where did the full videos go? Can I dig into the Library somehow to find the originals? Or in a Vault? I exclude the library from Time Machine but make two Vaults.
I found a post here indicating the correct export command, and I don't think that's what I used.
If I can recover the original videos, I can use that command and all should be well.
There is a chance I have a SuperDuper backup that would contain an older Aperture Library that might contain the videos. In that case, how would I access the Library? Is it as simple as attaching the external drive, then telling Aperture to Switch to Library>Other, identify it on the external and away we go?
I hate losing stuff, hope someone can help with some clues.

Devastated's picture
by Devastated
May 23, 2014 - 9:12am

I get to join this lovely club now too!  I imported some pictures and videos from my camera today.  The videos were not playing well in Aperture so I decided to export one of them.  I exported the file as original and then Aperture simply lost the file.  Now, I only have a preview image of the video with a tiny arrow and a yellow triangle exclamation mark icon in the corner of the image preview.  Yeah, and since the file was imported to Aperture, I opted to delete files from the SD card.  Aperture is version 3.4.5.

I am beyond words to describe my level of frustration with this product.

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