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Medium format camera #1
Paul Simon's picture
by Paul Simon
January 31, 2013 - 6:24am

Has anyone used aperture to edit with a Hasselblad medium format camera instead of Phocus? (16 bit)


gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
February 1, 2013 - 10:08pm

Recently I was working on some pretty big files - 250mpx (750mb). Aperture is the final stage in my work and generally I only use it for a few things, so these are tiffs. ‘Retouch’ is very resource hungry, because Aperture is rebuilding the entire jpeg every time you do the tiniest thing (or so it seems) however, if your talking about basic RAW processing, then I think it will be okay. I don’t think there will be much difference in quality compared to Phocus, because I think Phocus just plugs in to the MacOS Core Image and uses Apple’s own Digital Camera RAW for its processing. (This is how Phocus gained compatibility with so many other makes of camera).

David, the Sinar backs use DNG these days and it works quite well in Aperture. Sinar have been careful to stick with 100% compatibility with the DNG standard, so in theory, if Aperture 4 (should it ever see the light of day) is also 100% compatible, then you would even be able to develop your multi-shot Sinar DNGs in Aperture. Holy moley.

gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
February 1, 2013 - 10:33pm

One thing to add of course, is that the quality you choose for Previews (in the prefs) will have a bigger effect (time wise) the larger the files.

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
February 1, 2013 - 12:28am

I use to use a Sinar back but not with Aperture. Would luv to try but my old 2009 MBP probably doesnt have the manpower. I only have 8gb of ram and an SSD. I think if you have that big of file you better have the biggest fastest Newest bad ass Mac there is. Im sure I could add the files to the lib with no problem but adjustments and brushes would be very taxing on my system. Hopefully some will tell me differently. Cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

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