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Need help with variants and albums #1
Stefanokaro's picture
by Stefanokaro
December 25, 2015 - 2:06pm

Hello i’m trying ti migrate from lightroom to capture, but i have an issue…
in my workflow using lightroom i have groups for every subjet (in this case microstock agency) and inside every group albums for pending file, accepted file, rejected file and so on.
In some albums i need to use variants (virtual copy in lightroom)
in CO1 if i delete a variant from an album it delete the variant from the whole groups and albums and this is a big problem.
This affect only the variant cause if it’s not a variant photo i have the voice “delete from album” and it delete the photo only inside the album where i’m working on, if it’s a variant i have only the voice “delete variant” and it not affect only the album where i’m worknig on but the whole albums.
How can i fix it? cause if i can’t fix will be a big problem for migration lightroom –> CO1        

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