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New update to Luminar | Pluto #1
Kevin La Rue's picture
by Kevin La Rue
February 10, 2017 - 6:02pm

Hi folks,

In case you don’t launch Luminar *every day* ;), we released another free update this week (2/8/17). Here are the highlights:

  1. Support for Photoshop smart objects & actions

  2. Improved batch processing

  3. Improved crop angles and sensitivity

  4. Improved color temperature tool

  5. Speed improvements when working with filters

  6. Rotate image tool

  7. RAW processing speed improvements

I’ll also add that the new start-up screen is super-cool - ha! So, to get the new goodies, simply launch Luminar and open an image. The option to download and install the update will magically appear.  Have fun!


Kevin La Rue, Skylum

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