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Ordering Books #1
Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
August 6, 2012 - 1:53pm

I just discovered a rather irritating thing in the implementation of Books in Aperture.

My father is in hospital in the UK recovering from a serious health issue. He's been there 3 months and is likely to be there the same again.

As he is now a bit more wide awake than he was at first, he is getting a bit bored and so on. I thought I would make him a nice book of images to give him something colourful to look at that would not strain him by requiring actual reading.

I spent 3 hours prepping the book and sent it up to the server but was mighty annoyed to find that there is apparently no way to have it sent direct to him in the UK because I live in New Zealand!!

In order to do that I need to order from the UK store and - wait for it - have a UK billed credit card to pay for it.

Surely plenty of people would like to send books as gifts - what is the point of having it sent to me here from the printer in the USA or wherever it is and then re-sending it at vast expense when it could go direct?

To claim any security issue is patent nonsense - who is going to break into my house, use my Mac to order a book of my photos paid for with my credit card apart from me?!

Have I missed something or is this really as inconvenient as this?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 8, 2012 - 6:55am

Sounds like a question for Apple. I don’t know that I’ve ever tried to ship books internationally. I have ordered cards through the iOS Cards app before and shipped those internationally, but never books through Aperture.

Anyone else successfully placed international book orders and had them delivered to another country?

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Sarah Mawdsley's picture
by Sarah Mawdsley
August 9, 2012 - 11:34am

This is one of those things Apple changed a few years ago.

I am a Brit living overseas and very often have the need to ship internationally. At one time, (2-3yrs ago) it was possible, but for some reason it was stopped. I had a long discussion with Apple about it. I wanted to send a calendar to a friend in the US. They just said, oh well, you’ll have to ship it to yourself and then send it by mail yourself. Hmm, I said, so you expect me to pay for shipping twice and delay the delivery too? I cancelled the order (although to be fair Apple did send it to me free of charge) and found a European printer who would print iPhoto calendars from a PDF. Worked very well.

With the books, I typically do the book in Aperture and then save the pages as jpegs and upload to an alternative photo book printer. Apple will not get any $$ from me for their print products. This is the most myopic decision they ever made and it truly is incredibly inconvenient, but thankfully there are many other companies offering quality printing services who get the point

Not a helpful answer, I know, but no, these days you cannot ship internationally from Apple.

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