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Phantom Image Import - the case of the disappearing original files #1
Chris Biele's picture
by Chris Biele
April 14, 2014 - 1:35am

I had a quick search to see if this topic had been covered previously, but didn’t see anything recently, so here goes.

I had a very random problem occur upon import of some images the other day. Basically upon completion of import none of my images were actually copied over… Like they never existed.

Basically I think the problem came from importing to a referenced originals location while also backing up originals to another drive. Has anyone else had this issue before? Here’s exactly what happened.

1) In the import pane I chose an import location for my originals (raid / Photos / 2014 - Aperture Referenced Files / Image Year / Month / Project).

2) I chose a backup location for my originals (Photo Backup 1 / Photos / 2014 - Aperture Referenced Files / Image Year / Month / Project).

3) Starter import

4) Began rating images and applying minor tweaks while the import ran in the background

5) Import never finished - the activity viewer showed that Aperture was still processing the preview for one single image. It was a random image, like 355 of 475. I could view this image, no problem, and I tried force generating a preview Alt + Photos->Generate Preview, to no avail.

6) I tried cancelling the process, but nothing happened.

7) Checked the raid to see if the original was there - this is where I discovered that NONE of the originals were there, nor we’re they on the backup drive.

8) Tried “Locate Originals”. The path given was the compact flash card.

9) Import would not cancel so I force quit, and upon reopening the library I found all the images were gone. The Project was still there, but none of the images.

Needless to say I was slightly perturbed at losing all the ratings and edits I’d made up to that point.

10) Try importing again - select an external location for the originals (raid / Photos / 2014 - Aperture Referenced Files / Image Year / Month / Project).

11) select a backup location ( Photo Backup 1 / Photos / 2014 - Aperture Referenced Files / Image Year / Month / Project).

12) Double check external location for referenced files - the location had CHANGED to the same as the backup location!

Now the only thing I can think is that there is a glitch with importing to a referenced location + backing up originals. I was trying to save the hassle of running a clone on the raid after import, but after that heart stopping moment of thinking all my originals were gone, I don’t think I’ll be trying that trick again!

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