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Photo Orientation Issue #1
Poul Frederiksen's picture
by Poul Frederiksen
May 8, 2013 - 7:33am

I am taking my Managed Aperture Library and moving it to Referenced. As I do so, I am noticing that many of the “portrait” shots in the library don't seem to maintain that orientation in the Finder. The portrait orientation shows up correctly when I look at the photo in Aperture, but when I go to “check” on the original file in the Finder, the icon of the photo and the photo itself when I open it with Preview revert back to “Landscape”. Any thoughts as to why?

As part of this move to a Referenced library, I am also taking the time to add keywords, locations, and other metadata to the photos. I am also writing the IPTC meta data to the original files with the associated menu command in Aperture. Perhaps this has something to do with the photo orientation being lost? I'll try testing this out by taking a photo, not writing the IPTC meta data to the original, and then moving the file to referenced to see. But thought I would post this in the mean time if the answer was a quick no brainer.

By the way, I am shooting with a Nikon D600, and am 99.9% sure the orientation data is stored in every photo via EXIF. So would not think that writing the IPTC data would modify that in any way.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Tristan Osborn's picture
by Tristan Osborn
July 16, 2013 - 11:49pm

I’ve noticed essentially the identical problem, and it is really annoying. The originals when first imported are oriented and displayed correctly, but after I added tags and saved IPTC data then this behavior begins.

I first noticed it when adding photos to shared photo streams. In fact, if I find the original image within my 1000 file photo stream, then move it to a particular shared photo stream, that image (the original) is oriented correctly.

I cannot seem to find a way to quickly fix this: if I rotate the image with aperture to be upside down (or sideways), and then send it to the shared photo stream, it still displays incorrect. I could export the photos, then import THAT image into the photo stream, (or wherever), but that is cumbersome.

It is very hard to find information about this on-line, leading me to believe very few others are having this problem, or noticing it.

Poul Frederiksen's picture
by Poul Frederiksen
May 9, 2013 - 7:08am

Here is a little more info from some experimentation I have done:

I have also noticed that when I export the “version” then the orientation is correctly saved with the file. When I export the “original” the orientation is NOT saved with the file.

Ideally I would like the “originals”, which are referenced and consequently simply stored in the Finder, to correctly reflect orientation when I view them outside of Aperture, for example with Preview.

I am also aware that Aperture does not modify the original photo. But when I take a photo in “Portrait” orientation, my camera (and most modern digital cameras) record the orientation in the EXIF data in the photo. It is my understanding that this is how the Finder/Preview or any other application knows how to display the photo from an orientation perspective. Indeed, if I take a portrait photo straight from my camera and place it on the Mac Desktop, the orientation is correctly displayed. When I them import that photo into my referenced aperture library, the photo’s orientation appears correctly in Aperture, but if I look at the Referenced original in the Finder or Preview, the orientation is lost.

Hopefully this makes sense.

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