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printed photo not the same as photo in aperture #1
Rob and country's picture
by Rob and country
November 1, 2014 - 1:44pm

all the photos that i get printed are never the same in apterture.  Mostly they seem to be darker and loose colour quality and some have even lost part of the picture, yet it still fills the a4 photo paper any ideas why the photos are not coming out the same as the computer shows them

gilescooperuk's picture
by gilescooperuk
November 14, 2014 - 2:46pm

First thing would be to get the printer and monitor calibrated - there are companies that do that or you can buy something like a spyder print to do it at home (which I have).

Second Aperture prints dark - don’t ask me why but I have to put the brightness to 1.6 to get a good image out even when using my profiles. I have tried printing from Photoshop and it works fine without correcting anything. Looks like an aperture quirk….

Alex U's picture
by Alex U
November 15, 2014 - 12:29am

As I understand it, the TO has not a printer of his own. He speaks of a laboratory.

I personally do not believe that the problem is the calibration. Its a problem of bad laboratories. I believe that you better go to a small shop where they have a good printer. This cost more but the results are much better.

Best regards, Alex

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