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Rate and sort Mac photos over local Wifi using iPad (any app to do this? ) #1
SKR Imaging's picture
by SKR Imaging
December 30, 2015 - 5:07am

Any idea if a solution like or exists for Apple Photos.

worked great for Aperture and iPhoto using Photoscope and Photosmith I heard worked great for Lightroom users.. now bith apps have been seemingly abandoned.

I have no intention on using iCloud syncing or any other cloud shananigan.. local wifi beats all that for culling my Mac library on my iPad.. 

Would love to rate (love) my photos and manage keywords using the iPad and have all the edits sync back to the Photos Library.. I am sure an Apple script can allow this and a clever developer could make it happen on the iPad end… that’s essentially what Photoscope did.. an Apple Script ran on the Mac and iPad fetched JPEG previews over wfi.



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