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reconnecting offline photos #1
katy's picture
by katy
May 30, 2013 - 7:17am

I made a smart alum of my offline images. its says I have 357 offline images in the album. However of the 357 thumbnails only 35 have images in the thumbnail, the others are blank. I select all and locate referenced files. 35 images show up in red text in the top part of the screen. when i search in the proper path in the lower area I cannot find any of the 35 images?

Why can't I find any of the 35 images?
What do you make of the 322 images with no thumbnail that don't show up when I select locate referenced file?

thank you

katy's picture
by katy
May 30, 2013 - 8:22am

additionally all of the images have the yellow triangle with the exclamation point badge

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