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Referenced files and file structure (follow-up) #1
jturn00's picture
by jturn00
June 12, 2014 - 9:11pm

I’ve been working with my referenced structure for awhile now. It been fine except that now I want to copy the structure for another use. Except. When I went into the structure it doesn’t match my aperture folder structure. Is there a way to move all the files to put them into the correct folders naming like when I move the files from managed to referenced? Do need to move everything to managed then back to referenced? (Might not be possible due to size of library)

jturn00's picture
by jturn00
June 12, 2014 - 10:54pm

So I’ve answered my own questions.  It turns out that while I’ve had a file folder (and project labelled 1995, some of the photos had image dates of 2004 and 2010.  As a result, they appear in the referenced directories (2004/1995./<project name>  rather than 1995/<project name>.  Now I need to go through and correct these so they show up in the correct folders.  I’m hoping that once I adjust the date/time they get moved to the correct folders in the correct years.

This will be a good opportunity to add some keywords:)


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