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Renaming photo that were already named #1
Claude's picture
by Claude
November 29, 2012 - 2:13am

Hi there

I purchased a few of your small tip books including 15 tips in file management and I am learning…thank you.

Now that I know better I would like to rename those pictures that I had already named before…. hehe. I would like to change their format (all of them, about 400) to the one you suggest in your tips for library.

How do I do that please?

Also I had an idea, I think I would like to use automatic naming, a different one for each project but add who appears on each pic in the naming them. Do you think it is a good idea. I want to do this so I can know what pic I am looking at when I see the thumbs name.
It could be for example:
Steve's concert_ claude, Eliz
Steve's concert_papa, maman.
Steve's concert _Denise, Pierre.

I am no professional, and very new at this. But I have thousands of pics to address, and import and want not only to do it right, but to correct past mistake.

thank you


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