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Resources for Aperture to Mylio transition #1
Elizabeth Ingraham's picture
by Elizabeth Ingraham
June 27, 2015 - 7:43pm

I want to thank Jordan Ayan for his helpful book, “The Official Guide to Mylio” and for his videos. No, I’m not connected to him in any way, I’m just the type of user who likes to have a written (Kindle!) reference to refer to. I’ve transitioned from Aperture to Mylio (and posted about that experience in the Aperture forum) and love it and I’m using the book to help me as I keep exploring Mylio’s features. His list of keyboard shortcuts is just one of the useful features of the book.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 4, 2015 - 5:52pm

Thanks for telling us that, Elizabeth. If you want to write something up for the tips website, even if it's not a “how to” but more of a description of your experience (with a few screenshots) I'd be happy to post that. 

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