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Round-tripping from Aperture to ACR #1
kuruvi chittu's picture
by kuruvi chittu
November 6, 2012 - 8:11pm

I tried the method explained by Michael Ball for Round-tripping from Aperture to ACR…

I set my Aperture (3.3.2) to TIFF 16-bit and PS (CS 6) preference “Automatically open all supported TIFFs” as explained by Michael Ball

Aperture does the job to send TIFF file to PS and the TIFF was opened in ACR and I opened it in PS (tried both as image and smart object)

But I can't the save the file back to Aperture, I click save on PS and its prompting for the save location.

If I set PS TIFF preference to default then it doesn't passes through ACR, but PS does save the file back to Aperture.

what's going wrong here? I want to go through ACR in order to open as smart object and want to make two layers in PS via copy smart object.

Charles Putnam's picture
by Charles Putnam
November 6, 2012 - 11:39pm

There’s a plug-in called Catapult from Brushed Pixel ( that actually does a good job in allowing you to round trip from AR to ACR and back.

kuruvi chittu's picture
by kuruvi chittu
November 7, 2012 - 12:12am

I did try Catapult, for some reason I lost my original RAW file with catapult. I’m just left with modified tiff in Aperture. (may be I should explore catapult further to figure out the issue)

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